Substructure Help

Footing Configuration

Selecting the Footing Configuration option from the Libraries menu, or its respective icon, will display the Footing Library screen. This command allows you to manage and define the different footing types used in the pier structure.

To define a new footing type, select the shape from the Available Shape list. Then, referring to the diagram on the right side of the screen input the footing size in the textboxes under Dimensions and a name for the footing in the Description textbox. Click Add. The name will appear in the list on the screen. You can modify existing footing types in the list by highlighting it, making the appropriate changes, and clicking Modify. To delete a footing type in the list, highlight it and click Delete.

Click Save to save the new footing type (or any changes to existing footing types) to the existing default.rp3 library (overriding the existing data). To save under a new filename, click Save As. Input a new name in the File name field and click Save.